Ants are one of the most common insects on the planet. In fact, in terms of weight there are as many ants on earth as people. Meaning if you could weight all the people in the world and all the ants, the weight would be roughly the same. That is a lot of ants! They are also an incredibly old species. Scientists believe that ants began to appear on earth about 130 million years ago. So as a species, ants are pretty crafty at staying alive.
Being so numerous and such good survivors, it is no wonder that ants infest homes and businesses throughout Sioux City.
Ants are amazing creatures but that doesn’t mean we want them getting in our food and spread disease. But Ants are pretty good at being discrete until they aren’t. That is to say that, until you get large amounts showing themselves they are pretty easy to miss. However, there are still some signs to look for. First, ants are most active at sun down so if you go on the hunt in your Sioux City home or business then do it during those hours. Second, ants send out scouts to find food and then inform the colony. If you see a few ants, on your kitchen floor perhaps, then these are probably scouts which means that an infestation is possibly on its way.
Carpenter ants are a different story when it comes to detection. These ants are the type you least want to find in your Sioux City home or business. This is because carpenter ants destroy wood and can seriously damage a structure- leading to expensive repairs.
Carpenter Ants leave frass at the entrances to their nests because they do not eat the wood, they just chew it to make tunnels. Frass looks like small piles of sawdust. Another sign to look for, or listen for, is the sound like the dry rustling of leaves in your wall. This sound is from many ants clicking their jaws.
If you have an ant issue there is no reason to worry. Just call the experts at Allpro Pest Management a call and we will be there as soon as possible to renew your peace of mind.